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Barndoleros Barn Hunt Club proudly presents:

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Barndoleros Barn Hunt Club proudly presents:

Pre - Trial Barnhunt Seminar with BH Judge
Helene Shryock on January 24th, 2024

Well, it may not look exactly like the image above, but you will have the perfect opportunity to “pick a Judges Brain”.

The seminar is split into two segments:

4 hours in the morning from 9am – 1pm and

4 hours in the afternoon from 2pm – 6pm.

You can choose to sign up for either one or both.

Morning exercises are not repeated in the afternoon.

All levels are welcome to join in the morning and/or afternoon.

Each segment of 4 hours is $80 or $150 for both together (whole day).

Sign up will be first come first serve. Class size of 10 dog’s max!

We offer 4 free audit spots (no dog), two in the morning and two in the afternoon in exchange for your help as Rat wrangler and course builder.

The Barn Hunt Skill Building Seminar focuses on:

–        Proofing on indication, how to build up drive.

–        Continued practice and trial readiness as well as scent theory and handler strategies.

–        Team building exercises.

–        How to set up your dog for success in the ring no matter if Q or N

–        Tricks and tips to enhance the interest into the Rat tube.

–        Ideas on how to have Barn Hunt in everyday life.

–        Cluster buster, Tube explosion- Multiple tubes exercise,

–        Exotic tunnels: navigating multiple turn tunnels.

–        Leave the bedding alone.

If you want to “graduate” with honors from our class, use sign-up form below.
(Please note: Payment via Zelle or PayPal (as friend and family ONLY) is expected within 48hrs. If payment is not received in time, you will forfeit your spot to the next person in the queue.)

Jan Seminar Form